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Solutions Ltd
Thermographic Surveys
Thermography is the use of a thermographic camera to detect adverse heat signatures.
Thermographic surveys are mostly carried out on electrical cubicles, switchboards and connections but can also be used in a variety of other applications within a process environment for example: joints and values in pipework, tank and vessel inspections, process lines and much more.
The use of IRT (Infrared Thermography) is a great non destructive test (NDT) that can highlight potential issues without the need to take your plant or equipment offline.
What we survey:
LV & HV Switchboards
Motors, Generators, Pumps & Fans
Battery Rooms
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Pipework, radiators & heat exchangers



Thermography loose connection
condition monitoring electrical loose connection poor bad hot IR thermal imaging image HD quality offshore oil platform gas electrical switch room switchroom board panel cubicle fire service company companies

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