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Solutions Ltd
Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA / MBVI)
By applying Ailsa's Motor Current Signature Analysis techniques, our customers have a complete understanding of the condition of their induction motors, synchronous generators and slip ring rotors.
We use the most advanced equipment and techniques available to allow us to confidently categorize the following rotor faults:
Vibration analysis assessment
Misalignment, unbalance and bearing defects
Cracked or Broken Rotor Bars
Cracked Shorting Rings
High Resistance Joints
Unequal Air Gaps / Rotor Eccentricity
Bearing Defects
Losses in efficiency
Our portable equipment is easily mobilised to site with no access to the machines required! Our surveys are conducted from the switchroom meaning multiple machines can be surveyed back to back with no disruption to your production. We also have an option for a permanent monitoring system.

Broken Bar
MCSA graph - Broken bar analysis motor current signature fault side band band Condition Monitoring survey service services


Cracked Shorting ring MCSA
MCSA condition monitoring cracked rotor bar shorting ring

Broken Bar
MCSA graph - Broken bar analysis motor current signature fault side band band Condition Monitoring survey service services
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